less than 1 minute read

Little did I know when I bought my 2003 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Edition on November 4th, 2009 how much fun it would be owning a Jeep.  The day I bought it I was nervous, I had never had to have a car payment before, and had never spent $15,000 in one day.


I was trading in my 1999 Audi A4 1.8T, which admittedly was in pretty bad shape, and at one point it seemed as though the dealership didn’t even want to trade.

Within a few days of buying the Jeep I joined JeepForum.com.  There is so much information in that forum, I could probably surf it all day, every day and not really ever get bored.  I have since become a supporting member of JeepForum.com, and have done a few mods to my jeep as well.